Moda Barga - Fashion and modelling school in Barga - Vaina Continuati - interview in Italiano

Feb 28, 2014, 05:18 PM 5° lezione: Fotogenia / Telegenia – studio delle espressioni e del volto; tecniche di posa; comportamento davanti alla machina fotografica e alla telecamera.

Week five for the new fashion and modelling school in Barga - Moda Barga and this week they get some quality time in front of a photographer.

Stefano Tommasi who has been making a name for himself with his technical expertise and poetic vision of the world surrounding us, this week turned his lens towards the students of the modelling school.

As you can hear in the audioboo below Vaina Continuati was also on hand to give some sound solid advice on just what and probably more importantly, what not to do when “confronted” by the photographed and his or her anonymous lens.

A usual, all the clothes were from the Vaso di Pandora shop.

Moda Barga - Fashion and modelling school in Barga - Vaina Continuati