Vance the plane spotting guide dog

Jul 20, 2014, 06:22 PM

There isn't really very much that scares my dearest guide dog Vance. I can stand him on a platform as a train squeals in, or take him on the thunderously vibrating hovercraft to the Isle of Wight, and he will barely flinch, but until last Sunday, when I took him to the bi-annual Farnborough Airshow ear splittingly loud jet aircraft were an unknown quantity.

This recording features a few of the loudest planes, and was taken on the front row of one of the grandstands at the western end of the flight line, as well as a bit of introduction.

And as for Vance, he coped tremendously, barely appearing to notice the Typhoon or Vulcan thundering through the air, but taking a positive interest in the Red Arrows.

#FIA14 #Farnborough #Sunday #airshow #plane #grandstand #GuideDog #Vance #2014 #Vulcan #typhoon #eurofighter #noise #fb