How do I avoid duplicate assets in a DAM?

Episode 88,   Feb 09, 2012, 11:04 PM

In some cases, organizations have unique file naming conventions, but file names are often created by people, which more often yield not-so-unique file names. One person names a file one way and another person names the exact same file another way because they use it differently or in a different place. While this demonstrates a clear lack of consistency and governance, it happens way too often. This is especially true if you not using a DAM solution with clear guidelines and stop gaps to catch these sort of things as part of a workflow.

So here is the dilemma. What do you do with exact duplicates? How do you even find exact duplicates? #AnotherDamBlog #AnotherDamPodcast #assets #DAM #DigitalAssetManagement #hash #HenrikDeGyor #Linkedin #podcast #CRC32 #dedupe #deduping #deduplication #DuplicateReduction #FileNaming #MD5 #SHA256 #SHA512 #checksum #octillion Questions? Email them to