Paul Martin's Business Update - January 6th

Jan 06, 2014, 03:55 PM

Paul Martin's Business Update - January 6th

Ancient or heirloom grains – primarily varieties of wheat dating back centuries – are growing in popularity as more and more consumers look for alternatives in their nutrition and food-buying efforts. Some of these varieties have origins in the fields of ancient Egypt.

Saskatchewan has long been a player in this field with a number of producers supplying a packaging company in southeast Saskatchewan that has been successfully finding markets and shipping varieties such as Kamut and Spelt wheat.

It is also catching eyes in the US. One Arizona flour miller has teamed up with a local farmer to grow and then process White Sonora which was sourced in Mexico. The area farmer is also testing names such as Red Fife and Beardless Russian varieties.

The growth in popularity of these varieties with producers, processors and consumers is now the story line behind a documentary called Grain Divide, produced by a former California-based on-line commercial producer who is travelling the world to gather footage for the video to be released later this year.

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