Elementary Chinese → Basketball

Mar 07, 2014, 08:09 PM

http://www.ch-ing-lish.com | Chinese learning Resources Using 抢 qiǎng: to fight over; to grab; to rob; to snatch This verb can be used a multitude of ways, especially if 2 people are fighting over something or if you prefer holding up banks. 抢位子 wèi zi or 抢座位 zuò wèi - to grab a seat (fight for a seat) 抢银行 qiǎng yínháng - to rob a bank 抢东西 qiǎng dōngxi - to fight over or grab things 抢女人 qiǎng nǚ rén - to fight over a woman

Using: 就是 if you strongly agree with someone

Vocabulary: 传球 chuán qiú - pass (in soccer, basketball etc) 中锋 zhōng fēng - midfielder; center (basketball); center forward (hockey, football) 前锋 qián fēng - a forward, striker (sports, football) 后卫 后卫 hòu wèi - guard; backfield; fullback (sports) 裁判员 cái pàn yuán - referee 防守 fáng shǒu - to defend; to protect (against) 犯规 fàn guī - a foul (sports), to break the rules 篮板球 lán bǎn qiú - rebound (basketball) 篮板 lán bǎn - backboard 进攻 jìn gōng - to attack; to assault; to go on the offensive (also used in military) 灌篮 guàn lán - slam dunk 好球 hǎo qiú - (ball sports) good shot!; nice hit!; well played! 三分球 sān fēn qiú - Three pointer 上半场 shàng bàn chǎng - first half (of a game) 下半场 xià bàn chǎng - second half (of a game)