
Dec 04, 2014, 10:56 AM

Speaker describes digging foundations for a wall when the ground was frozen . . .. we went to dig some foundations for a wall a -- at Le Vauquièdor ... and ... when we got to ten inches ... [??] down, the ground was unfrozen, but there were ten inches above that were frozen. I had never seen the ground frozen like that. . No. . . .. nou fu défoui des faondâtiaons pour énne muraïle à -- au Vautchiédor ... et ... quaend nou vin à dix pouces ... [par ??] ava, la terre était déjlaï, mais y en avait dix pouces en dssu qu'était jlaï, jaumais j'n'aeu pas vaeu la terre jlaï dé maeme. . Naen. . . #Dgernesiais #Guernesiais #Giernesiais #Djernesiais #GuernseyLanguage # Guernsey #Language #recordings #audio #sound #GuernseyFrench #Giernesiei #Gierrnesiei #GuernseyPatois #patois #NormanFrench #Normand #Languedoil #FrenchDialect #construction #coldweather #pluperfecttense #imperfecttense