Scraponomics Episode 61 (New Years 2015) - "Celebrate what you want to see more of."

Jan 01, 2015, 04:52 PM

“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” -- Tom Peters, credited as one of the most influential figures in modern business.

A couple of months ago, an engineering student from Michigan State University called Friedland regarding a group project she was working on for a class. The project involved determining the recyclable content of a stove. She wanted to know, after breaking the stove down to its basic components, how much of it is recycled? How does the process work at Friedland?

Of course, I immediately went into the economics of recycling the stove; how it’s recyclable because it has value, and how there must be a demand for the various commodities within the stove for it to be recycled in the first place!

We had a wonderful conversation. I choose to celebrate this student. :)

#Scraponomics #Recycling #Economics #ScrapProcessing #ScrapRecycling #Recycle #FriedlandIndustries #BeGreenGetGreen #LoveLansing #NewYears2015 #HappyNewYear #HappyNewYear2015 #CelebrateWhatYouWantToSeeMoreOf