The Death of Twitter - Two Minute Tuesday - 20160209

Feb 12, 2016, 05:55 PM

If you happened to be on Twitter this past weekend you may have noticed millions of posts that read hash tag RIP Twitter. It was the Twitter community responding to rumors of an imminent change to the social network’s timeline that will see the posts curated and organized by algorithm, rather than time of posting. This tweet storm reminded me of an article I read last month in New Yorker Magazine titled THE END OF TWITTER. Journalist Joshua Topolsky chronicles cracks in Twitter’s facade of the last few years that are having an impact on the company. He mentions changes to the product make it hard to follow conversation or narratives. A lack of rigor in verifying reliable sources made information suspect or confusing. More troubling was the growing wave of harassment and abuse that users of the service were dealing with. Now many feel that Twitter has lost its direction or as the article emphasises, never had much direction to begin with. Twitter has a lot of social media competitors that have more users than they do. Obviously Facebook does, but so does Instagram, Whats App, and even WeChat. Snapchat has almost caught Twitter. Topolsky’s states that Twitter should be most worried about IRRELEVANCE. He writes “we live in a Age of the Upgrade and the generation raised on the internet is the most fickle of brand champions. It loves something passionately until it doesn’t. Then it moves on. Social media is a scale game or a product game , and twitter is failing at both. The directness and power at the heart of Twitter—short bursts of information that can make you feel that you’re plugged into a hulking hive mind—are still its greatest asset. The company just needs to find the right way to show the power of those connections to a bigger audience, and the value of that audience to advertisers and partners. Not a simple task, but for Twitter an unavoidable one.

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