
Jul 06, 2016, 09:36 PM

She won’t deny it

She wants him more than anything

In her soul’s confession she’ll plead guilty

To his effect upon her

To the exquisite frisson that rushes through her

When she thinks of being with him

When she sees his name

When she hears his voice

To the near constant erotic thoughts

She entertains in the still of the night

Of her yearning to be taken fully by him

In every dark way possible

The imagined press of his lips to hers

The whisper of fingertips across her skin

His finger dragged along her spine

Where he would rest his hand on her hip


Of being bound body and soul to him

Dark and dangerous musings

Which rob her of her sleep

Her lust exhaling in the night air

Caressing her with want

Firing her blood with need

Dawn’s light finding her shipwrecked

Upon her tangled sheets