flatmates about secret santa

Dec 17, 2011, 07:54 PM

原来如此~secret santa/

One of the more popular holiday games, Secret Santa (also known as Kris Kringle in some circles) is a fun and easy way for a group of friends, family members or co-workers to exchange gifts. The basic concept of the Secret Santa game is simple. All of the participants’ names are placed into a hat, box, etc. and mixed up. Each person then chooses one name from the box, but doesn't tell anyone which name was picked. He/she is now responsible for buying a gift for the person selected.

When the Secret Santa wraps their gift, he/she just labels it with the recipients name but doesn't indicate whom the present is from. (Remember, most of the fun is in the secrecy.)

All the gifts are then placed in a general area for opening at a designated time. When the gift-giving time arrives each recipient finds their gift and must guess who their Secret Santa is. If they can't guess, their Secret Santa eventually confesses.