
Apr 05, 2012, 03:52 AM

Good morning, everyone this is greenbubble. Today I will be talking about Spanish. Because the United States is a neighboring country with Mexico, we have a lot of Mexican influence and Americans use Spanish in everyday speech. So today I want to teach you some phrases.The first thing you need to know to say to any Spanish speaker is 'hola'. Hola. This is spelled H-O-L-A. You don't need to pronounce the H in Spanish, therefore it is a silent H. ‘Hola’ means 'hello' or 你好. So you can say 'hola' when you see someone and they will say 'hola' back to you. The next thing I want to teach is '¿cómo estás?' '¿Cómo estás?' This word means 'how are you?' This phrase should only be used with people you're familiar with or you know. This is like asking '你好吗?' If you want to ask somebody you don't know or a teacher how they are, you need to ask in a more polite way, you would say '¿cómo está usted?' ¿Cómo está usted? That's basically saying 您好吗? The next thing I will be talking about is how to say ‘thank you' and 'you're welcome'. 'Thank you' is 'gracias'. Gracias. 'De nada' means you're welcome. If you look at those two words, 'de nada', literally it means, ' of nothing', that means 没事. The last two words I will teach today are 'hasta la vista'. A lot of Americans, if they want to just use Spanish but they don't really know how to speak it, they will say 'hasta la vista'. That just means, 下次见面. 'Hasta' means 'until', la vista means 'sight', so until next time I see you. And the very last word today I will be leaving you with today is 'adios'. Adios. 'Adios' means goodbye so today I will end this recording by saying 'adios', 再见.