Fiery Spirits - Avoiding the BDUK steamroller

Oct 29, 2012, 03:15 PM

This is the recording of a webinar discussing the future for community #broadband in light of #BDUK investments across the UK.

Councils are now agreeing their broadband plans and in most cases BT are the delivery partner - will community networks be steamrollered as these plans are implemented? What does this mean for community broadband initiatives delivering the vision of a #digitalbritain? ......... - Will BT target areas covered by community broadband? Will councils seek to stifle community initiatives to go for a homogenous solution across their whole area? - Should community based networks welcome the competition? - What tools are available for community networks to protect their investments? - How can community initiatives work with local authorities? Are they there to stimulate demand or can they do more? - How far does the Big Society protect grass roots initiatives when faced with giant public sector procurements? - Has the uncertainty over BDUK projects driven out other private / community sector investment in broadband.

Join the debate at and listen to the full webinar on iPadio.