Welcome to the Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns Feedback

Mar 11, 2013, 11:51 AM


Ah feedback aka complaints, criticism & moaning.

If everything was perfect already, there’d be no need for feedback. If everyone thought things should be done the same way there wouldn’t be a need for feedback. If everything worked out the way we had planned it ourselves, there wouldn’t a need for feedback. The one saving grace for feedback is that someone has to actually care to be bothered to give it and that’s definitely a positive and you get to see another person’s perspective even if you don’t agree with it. If they’ve made some valid points, you’ve something to work with.

This is Fiona Kearns looking for the positives in feedback.

#feedback #complaints #useful #sme #start #fionafkearns #mmm www.adeptcommunication.ie

Adept Communication is led by Fiona Kearns and is focused on maximising your confidence and communication skills. Adept Communication offer monthly boost clinics where you can have a dedicated session to focus on you so you can give and receive the best from life. Book your session by email hello@adeptcommunication.ie