Happy Birthday SteamFeed.com!

Sep 13, 2013, 10:17 PM

Happy birthday to SteamFeed.com! It's my privilege to be a contributing author - A part of a go-to group, and even an online family!

So much has happened in a year:

  • Grown to 50 authors.
  • SteamFeed Radio evolved.
  • So cool we have our own T-shirts
  • We're a True, resourceful community for business brands, small business owners, solopreneurs & non-profit stakeholders.

And IMPORTANTLY - people are passionate to share our content!

I can't wait to see what happens in year 2 and beyond ----- Soo much is possible.

Thank you for having me, and for striving to be a quality resource.

This is Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media wishing a Happy, happy birthday to the writers and readers at SteamFeed!! #SteamFeed #KeriJaehnig #IdeaGirlMedia #business #brands #smallbusiness #nonprofit #SteamFeedRadio #authors #socialmedia #marketing #tech #onlinemarketing