Our love is like a WildFlower

Sep 28, 2013, 01:53 AM

(he sings)

Just a wildflower dancing in the wind, got your head held high reaching for the sky when the sun shines down upon face its like a perfect little blessing looking back at me

she smiles like a daisy and moves with grace everything she wears is like queen anns lace

I love her like a wild flower,

(she sings)

Just a wildflower blowing in the wind he's got his head held high reaching for the sky when the sun shines down upon your face its like a perfect little blessing looking back at me

he loves me like I love Jesus and lace everything he does puts a smile on my face

I love him like a wild flower

(He starts, she joins in and then they sing together, her parts are marked with “ ”)

“I was a wildflower blowing in the wind” She blew right to me, n from that point in time I became hers “and I became his” I love her a wildflower “I love him like a wildflower” (together they sing) – Our love is like a wildflower