10 Extraordinary Women of the 50s by Journalist RACHEL COOKE

Dec 02, 2013, 12:35 PM

“Cooke wittily cooks up ten real anti-domestic goddesses from the 50′s – the decade of the perfect housewife” Josephine from Radio Gorgeous

The 1950s housewife we know and love the retro image of a pretty lady with her permed hair neatly set, bright red lipstick and a flowery apron. She is baking rock buns and making jam sandwiches for Simon and Jane, the Cath Kidstonesque gay view of those days of domestic bliss after the hardships of the Second World War. But in reality it was not so rose tinted as women spent up 60-70 hours a week doing housework, they could not take out a mortgage, abortion was illegal and women could only get contraception if they were married.

Rachel cooke journalist for The Observer and The New Statesman – decided to find out if there was another side to this story. Jane found Ten extraordinary women and has written a book called : Her Brilliant Career.

Her Brilliant Career is published by Virago #women #author #1950s