Heartfelt Prayers 4 The Abducted 200 Nigerian Girls

May 09, 2014, 08:36 AM

FRIDAY, May 9th 2014- MORNING PRAYERS have been offerd to Our Loving Father Mother God invoking all of the World's Great Spiritual Teachers together with Gaia, Quan Yin, Magdalene, Mother Mary, the Ascended Masters and the Messengers of God, the Angels and Archangels especially Archangel Michael for the Protection -Safety and return of all 200 Nigerian School Girls from their Abductors. Jesus, the Cosmic Christ said, that where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name he is with us. he also said, that what we ask for in prayer believing and trusting in our hearts, it will be done for us. So, unite with all our brothers and Sisters of the Tau Community of Interfaith Franciscans for the release of these innocent girls and that their abductors are brought to justice. Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at http://www.interfaithfranciscans.com http://www.celticfranciscanmonk.com http://barefootbrothersean.wordpress.com/http://www.youtube.com/brotherseanbradley

Welcome. Uniting Every child of God through LOVE , PRAYER , and SERVICE in JOYFUL Gratitude. Namaste Our Morning