Autcheun n’aont pas paeu/Ocheu n’aon paa paeu/No one had been able

Feb 04, 2016, 08:10 AM

au/o/ô (o) - similar to the o in hope . . Autcheun n’aont pas paeu trouvaï autànt d’ormés coume il avaie espéraï au c’menchement, mais i n’osaie pas dire érian, tchaer il taie bian fiaer d’aver sauvaï sa maraïe! . Ocheu n’aon paa paeu trouvai otae d’ormé caum il avei essperrai o c’maushmau, mei i n’osei paa dirr erriau, chaer il tei biau fiaerr d’avé sauvai sa marai! . No one had been able to find as many ormers (haliotis tuberculata) as they had hoped to at the outset, but they didn’t dare say anything, as they were happy to have made good use of the tide! . . #Dgernesiais #Guernesiais #Giernesiais #Djernesiais #GuernseyLanguage #Guernsey #Language #recordings #audio #sound #GuernseyFrench #Giernesiei #Gierrnesiei #GuernseyPatois #patois #NormanFrench #Normand #Languedoil #French_Dialect #pronunciation