'People still fear them' - one brave woman's search for justice and standing up to paramilitary thugs

Dec 01, 2016, 10:04 AM

It's almost 30 years since mother-of-two Lorraine McCausland was brutally raped and murdered in a UDA-run drinking club in North Belfast. Her half - naked body was found in a stream the following day. Since Lorraine's murder, the family have been campaigning for justice. But it has been far from an easy journey, with the shadow of paramilitaries hanging over the family. Lorraine's son, Craig, was also murdered by paramilitaries in 2005. The family believe that the threat of paramilitary reprisals is part of the reason that the crime has never been solved. This week the police relaunched the investigation into her murder. Stephen spoke to Lorraine's sister Cathy McIlvenny, and began by asking what she remembered about her.