Who is the Nintendo Switch For? {Ep. 20}

Jan 18, 2017, 02:06 PM

Valerie rejoins the group and brings special guest Evan Maier-Zucchino to discuss the Nintendo Switch Presentation from the week before. Meanwhile, Devin climbs deeper and deeper into the realm of Dungeons & Dragons in his pursuit to become the next great Dungeon Master and in a shocking turn of events, meat fanatic Marcus cooks and ENJOYS a (mostly) vegan dinner.

{SUPPLEMENTAL READING} Nintendo Switch Presentation Recap: http://topshelfgaming.net/everything-nintendo-switch-livestream Was the Wii U a Good Console?: http://topshelfgaming.net/wii-u-good-console/ Bowser and Bowser Jr. Star in Nintendo Switch: http://topshelfgaming.net/nintendo-switch-parental-controls-video/

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