Enigma Uri Geller talks to TRE's Bill Padley - unedited...and complete with phone tap!

Episode 55,   Feb 09, 2017, 11:34 AM

For over 60 years, spanning from his childhood to the Cold War to the current day, former Israeli paratrooper and Six Day War veteran Uri Geller has been an enigma. Is he merely one of the most convincing stage magicians in history, a multimillionaire entertainer, courted by presidents and rock stars? Or is the now 67 year-old UK resident the possessor of genuine paranormal powers, which have not only been tested and verified by the most demanding scientific laboratories in the US, but employed by the US and other western powers in secret operations? In Jonathan Margolis’s book ‘ The Secret Life of Uri Geller’ he brings to light the most convincing testimony ever heard from retired CIA chiefs - that Geller, alongside being one of the most famous people in the world in his day, was, as late as post-9/11, operated as a psychic spy for the US military spymasters and those of other governments.

In this interview TRE's Bill Padley chats to Uri Geller himself about about his life story , his friendships with John Lennon and Michael Jackson, and about his incredible undercover work with the CIA which has only just come to light. Listen what happens just as they start talking about his CIA work !!!! spooky.......