4-Panel 143 - Beasts of Burden // B.P.R.D // Iceman // ...

Season 1, Episode 143,   Jun 11, 2018, 04:42 PM


Millenial's Bad Fur Day

Andrew and Producer Rob are on the prowl for more tasty comic-book and manga treats.

This week they discover the multi-fronted return of Wolverine (and not just any Wolverine but the extra hot version), the worst DC live-action movie imaginable, the renewal of Legion for a third season, and the trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

After that it's time for the spoils of our hunt with Iceman: Absolute Zero, Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson's supernatural pet-based horror Beasts of Burden: Animal Rites, Ethan Young's semi-biographical web-comic Life Between Panels: The Complete Tails Omnibus, and B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know.

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