X-Men: Dark Phoenix SPOILER-CAST - 4-Panel Vol. 2, Issue 37

Season 2, Episode 37,   Jun 18, 2019, 02:18 PM

Soooooo ... Dark Phoenix is finally out in cinemas, and given our feelings about the trailer, the convolutedly confusing history of the X-Men and the Phoenix force itself, and the twisted timelines of the film franchise, we still went to see it.

4-Panel. We watch it or read it so you don't have to :)

Anyway, if you want to know about the history of the Phoenix Force then check out 4-Panel Vol. 2, Episode 35 - Dark Phoenix: Mad Jeans And Mutant Men. Today we're doing a review of the film so full of spoilers, they're leaking out of the bottom,

After that it's time for our usual look at the things that we have been reading, which this week are Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider (Spider-Geddon), Shuri: The Search For Black Panther, Olivia Twist, Sword Daughter Volume 2: Folded Metal, Archie Meets Batman ‘66.

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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!

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