Tips for writing magic copy with The Word Man, Dave Harland

Episode 17,   Sep 20, 2019, 05:10 AM

This week we’ve snuck up The Mersey, Viking raid style, to nab Liverpool’s finest anti-bullshitcopywriter, Dave Harland. Having massive fingers hasn’t held back Dave from writing magic copy. He talks to us on how he made the bold move to working freelance after a 10-year stint at Park Group Plc, (ending up as Head of Copy), his early job as a football reporter, how his fascination with writing persuasive copy developed, his key tips for writing good copy and plenty more besides.
A massive fan of Liverpool F.C, Alan Partridge and Scrabble, as well as being a talented poet, the podcast includes a stunning reading of Dave’s poem ‘Dogs’, written for his Nan when he was aged just 13. Lend us your ears. You won’t be disappointed.


Dave Harland Links:

Twitter @wordmancopy

Dave’s LinkedIn

Dave’s website

Dave Plugged:

Tom Albrighton’s website


Dave's Books:

One Plus One Equals Three by Dave Trott

Creative Blindness by Dave Trott

Predatory Thinking by Dave Trott

Now Try Something Weirder by Michael Johnson 
