#66: The Death of American Exceptionalism

Oct 21, 2020, 04:00 AM

America is the greatest nation on Earth, just ask any American and they will tell you the same thing. But is that actually true?

Maybe there was a time where that statement could be taken at face value, but these days the behavior of the “greatest nation on Earth” has been quite reprehensible with the wars and sanctions expanding, and the opinion of the United States by those in other countries paints a much different version of reality than most Americans know.

Is it possible to reclaim that old glory, or has America squandered all of the goodwill it had acquired in the aftermath of 9/11 by starting countless wars, jailing whistleblowers, and acting like the world’s bully? That remains to be seen, but it is possible that the rest of the planet has finally had it with America’s act.

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