Sport Injuries | Dr. Tommy Gerschman

Episode 79,   Nov 09, 2020, 06:00 AM

Dr. Tommy Gerschman received his MD from the University of British Columbia and is a practicing Pediatric Rheumatologist (FRCPC). He is the Chair of the Doctors of BC Athletics and Recreation Committee and is the former Medical Director at Fortius Sport & Health. He works with a wide range of children, including recreational and elite athletes (and dancers). He also enjoys promoting physical activity and sport involvement for children with chronic diseases, such as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.

Table of Contents

0:00 - Introduction

6:38 - Arthritis symptoms

8:00 - COVID and rheumatology

14:40 - Youth sport injuries

18:17 - Burnout

26:53 - Growth spurts and injuries

35:07 - Bio-banding

45:30 - Returning after COVID

52:58 - Concussions

1:01:14 - Outro

The interview featured on this episode of the Love What You Play podcast originally debuted on the For the Love of the Game Summer Virtual Summit 2020. To learn more about our upcoming summits and events with featured speakers, head to