#NewWorldReport: The frustrated AMLO veers Left to Havana. Senadora Maria Fernanda Cabal. @MariaFdaCabal (on leave) Joseph Humire @JMHumire @SecureFreeSoc https://www.securefreesociety.org Sergio de la Pena, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense W

Aug 10, 2021, 01:29 AM

Photo: Undated photo of Emiliano Zapata (right) and his older brother Eufemio (left), dressed in the charro fashion of the countryside. Some posthumous artistic renderings of Zapata show him dressed as an ordinary peasant..

CBS Eyes on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network

#NewWorldReport: The frustrated AMLO veers Left to Havana.  Senadora Maria Fernanda Cabal. @MariaFdaCabal (on leave) Joseph Humire @JMHumire @SecureFreeSoc https://www.securefreesociety.org Sergio de la Pena, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Western Hemisphere. HFN
