Oscar Rewind: The Wolf Of Wall Street

Season 4, Episode 154,   Jan 03, 2022, 02:00 PM

If there were one word to describe this movie, I think it would be debauchery. From the get-go, Martin Scorsesse lets us know this story is not for the faint of heart. It is an unapologetic look at what was possible in the 80's. Every scene was eye roll worthy, but because of the incredibly tight, rhythmic script, and the outrageous performances from Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill and the rest of the cast it felt believable and grounded.

What did you think? Was this too much? Let us know on Twitter and Instagram!

#TheWolfOfWallStreet #BestPicture #BestActor #BestSupportingActor #BestDirector #BestAdaptedScreenplay #Oscars #OscarRewind #Oscars2014