EP 41: Anti-racism & disability with Rachel Schlesinger
Jan 11, 2022, 11:00 PM
In today’s episode, we are talking to Rachel Schlesinger, a lifelong disability advocate, who is committed to ensuring disability is included in diversity and equity initiatives in education, legislation, and non-profit sectors. Rachel lectures at San Diego State University and teaches social sexual education to individuals with developmental disabilities.
Come join us for this real, authentic, and honest conversation about what it looks like to be an activist in 2022. In this episode, we answer questions like:
>What does the intersection of anti-racism and disability look like?
>What changes need to happen in the disability community?
>What is the most effective way to allow the disability community to be heard?
>What does self-care look like for someone who is a part of a community that has been oppressed?
Do you have a question that you want to be answered on a future episode of The Inclusion 1st Podcast? Submit your question here to be featured on a future episode:
You can find more information about Rachel using the links below:
Ready to dive in further? Check out all the places you can find us below:
Social Justice Superhero Academy: https://sjsacademy.samcart.com/products/social-justice-superhero-academy-/
Top 5 Most Asked Questions On Anti-Racism: https://www.inclusion1stproject.org/top5
Ask a question on anti-racism: https://www.inclusion1stproject.org/ask-a-question
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