My summer work plans revealed (p.s running your own biz is HARD) a #JustBloodyPostIt Note

Season 4, Episode 78,   Jul 15, 2022, 05:30 AM

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In this episode, I share my summer posting and working plans.

Not because I think you should do the same. Just because I think it's always interesting to understand how other people are working and why.

In the past, I've seen other people sharing that they're taking time off in the summer (when I wasn't planning to) and though - ugh - am I doing the wrong thing?

We can only do the thing that's right for us now. And - for me now - the right things is to take a step back. And see what ideas come into my brain. I suspect at a business crossroad (there are a lot of crossroads when you run a business) - not sure of the best way forward but I feel in my bones that carrying on on the hamster wheel is not the right thing to do.

This is the last Post It Note of series 4, I'll be back in September to tell you how my summer break worked out. 

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