Monday Morning Minute – Domestic Goddess

Oct 07, 2012, 07:29 PM

Monday Morning Minute – Domestic Goddess

Welcome to the Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns.

Are you sick of hearing about domestic gods or goddesses? I am. You’d be close to believing that you cannot be a full formed person unless you can whip up some wondrous culinary delight with some pretentious name. I believe myself to be a domestic goddess but not one who wears herself out cleaning, cooking and making sure to have the latest ‘on trend’ domestic accessories.

What is wrong with phoning the take-away or going out to dinner with the best dessert of all, no washing up!

Yes, I’m a domestic goddess. A goddess that is to be adored for her omnipotence, her wit and possibly good table manners not for her ability to wash, scrub and cook.

This is the Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns

It’s easy to assume that what’s visible is what’s ‘normal’ and that everyone thinks that way but the reality is very different and we have to be able to speak up for ourselves and others too. #domesticgoddess #voice #wit #speak #fionafkearns #mmm