Paul Martin's Business Update - October 3rd

Oct 03, 2013, 06:28 PM

Paul Martin's Business Update - October 3rd

There has been plenty of evidence that the Saskatchewan economic wave has found its way to the front line worker. Strong income have made a noticeable difference in things such as retail sales and revenues in restaurants.

But now StatsCan is offering up a slightly different angle on income levels, drawing from last year’s tax data to determine how the average person is doing financially. And their report casts a very favorable light on the province. Regina and Saskatoon stand in the top ten cities in the nation in a measure of median income – that’s the point where as many people are above the number as below. For couple families, the median in Regina is $99,000, fourth highest behind Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton. Saskatoon is two places back at $93,900. For single parent families the median is in the $40,000 a year range with Regina in sixth place and Saskatoon 14th.

In both scenarios Saskatchewan’s cities are doing much better than the national average and better than places like Vancouver where the cost of housing is dramatically higher.

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