Moda Barga – Fashion and modelling school in Barga - hairdressing and makeup from Ilaria Fabbrici

Mar 13, 2014, 09:06 PM

hairdressing and makeup from Ilaria Fabbrici from the I Fabbrici team in Ghivizzano.

Moda Barga – Fashion and modelling school in Barga

An extremely technical lesson this week which ranged right across shapes of heads, faces, complimentary colours, highlights, shadows and tips on how to preserve that look even under bright and hot lights.

Week seven for the new fashion and modelling school in Barga - Moda Barga and this week the students were taken through a complex course in hairdressing and makeup from Ilaria Fabbrici from the I Fabbrici team from Ghivizzano.

Tre generazioni di acconciatori. A cominciare dal nonno, con il salone aperto nel lontano 1946, per arrivare al padre che giovanissimo vede la necessità di migliorarsi diventando ben presto direttore artistico di importanti accademie.