First Draft Of A New Poem #audiomo "I Stand Against The Crowd"

Season 1, Episode 2772,   Jun 08, 2014, 07:31 AM

I stand against the crowd I stand out from the crowd I am an individual Odd Different Singular Misfit Awkward in my comfort Edgy in my skin Alive in my own little way I live my say I give the best shot I can Every day. I stand against the crowd of wasters who fritter their life away their way. I waste my life my way I fritter my days into the oblivion I fashion Every step I say. Because I am who am Me Condemned to be myself I stand out from the crowd Comfortable in my discomforting way that comes from every pore Every sore Every score of my expressions. It's my art The heart of my song The liver that cleans my spleen Seen in all my glory every time I stand against the crowd Each and every difference Friction Grating Unconforming Uncomplying Understandable me. See that fella Hovering on the edge The one who isn't fitting in The one with the shifty eyes The glint of his own You can smell that he's an outsider a weirdo an awkward one an individual Heart A body of imagining Power Wealth Stealth Scheming to survive the crowd the collective view the "what we all think" Thinkers. I stand against the crowd I stand out from the crowd Away from the crowd Proud of my own way Fiddling the melody Composed of notes I've assembled from the crowd Playing the game I've invented The rules I've annunciated Predicated on the shoulders of giants who have fallen in battle against the crowd Castigated on shoulders of heroes that have died for the cause of being Themselves. I reject the way of the crowd Every time my heart pumps Blood from the flat of my soul to the peak of my imagination. Consternation I will cause Conflagration to Instigation of the self Opinionated Author of my fate Creator of my faith Born to be wild Not filed away in a box I defy I stand against the crowd that would Categorise me Classify me Entomb me in place Where they could ignore me Where they could make me safe From causing a splash From making a difference From changing The course of history The dreams of others The Universe. For such a cause I stand against the crowd I stand out from the crowd to welcome you Fellow traveller Fellow awkward person Follower battler For your way. For your way is my way too Your way is yours My way is mine Our way stands out from the crowd We stand against the crowd. We stand up for ourselves We stand who stand. Against the crowd Unto death.

#audiomo #audiomo2014 #omaniaudiomo14 Composed in bed on Sunday 8 June 2014