Febooary 2 - in which I can't remember a theme & end up dashing...

Season 1, Episode 745,   Feb 03, 2012, 12:00 AM

Recorded so late in the day I hope I'm not going to be seen as a failure - a guy who couldn't keep up with everyone else. Never meant this to be another "lastminute.com".

Here you hear me talking on the hoof, watching the clock running out - like Cinderella.

Amidst the words, you're probably right to notice I'm emotionally & psychologically oriented. Driven in childhood by one need most of all. (Not much has changed in over half a century)

Right at the end, I remember Dan McLaughlin, The Dan Plan - he's on a mission as a living experiment - testing the hypothesis that 10,000 hours practice can develop you into an expert. Google him - I have contact with him via Twitter, Facebook and hopefully (soon) face-to-face. This bit is about golf.

The recording comes to a rushed ending - I then dashed to upload it from my iPhone4S - shortest title, one single tag - I'll add tags later. #febooary #ambitions #CotonDeTulear #dog #hopes #jobs #kitchen #Rocky