I Had a Name Once
Barry Griffiths, Communities Officer at Jimmy’s Homeless Shelter on East Road reveals to us his own story of how he once became homeless, and how it felt to become faceless and nameless, a body on a bench.
I had a name once
I sat on a bench, home was memory past
I don’t know what happened, it was all so fast
One moment I was Barry, a person that I got
Now I am one of that homeless lot
Faceless, nameless but still alive it seemed
But not worthy of a hello it was deemed
People walk by my bench without a care
One moment I was Barry, now I’m not there
Turned into a number overnight
No conversation, no place, limited rights
Just someone alone on a bench, cold and afraid
One moment I was Barry, now a burden, mislaid
Ensuite, four beds, home, had it all you know
Now here on a bench, with nowhere to go
How do I explain how I got to this place
One moment I was Barry, now I am not even a face
Whilst sitting on the street, I picture all I have lost
Not just items and things, but the emotional cost
Where do I go to recover from this state I’m in
One moment I was Barry, now wondering where to begin
Where do I belong, what use am I now
What’s my purpose, what does my future allow
I need to find my place again, not be a weight to carry
I had a name once, in fact I’m still Barry