Distressed dismayed & disgusted - so why does PM still protect Craig Thomson?

May 15, 2012, 08:51 PM

What is this presumption of innocence Julia Gillard is going on about? It only applies criminal trials. It means the Crown has to prove its case. Beyond reasonable doubt. It doesn't apply in relation to Fair Work Australia.
The onus there is on the employer. And who was responsible for this? Julia Gillard. And it was Julia Gillard’s Fair Work Australia which spent over three years investigating Craig Thomson.. They found 167 breaches. Approximately half $1 million taken from the union. By Craig Thompson, they said Julia Gillard told the ACTU that this distressed her. It dismayed her.
It disgusted her. When she came back from Europe she said the line had been crossed. So Craig Thomson was suspended from the ALP. So why is she should talking about a presumption of innocence? A principle which only applies in criminal trials.
There was no presumption of innocence against the commandant Of the Australian Defence Forces Academy when Minister Stephen Smith objected to the prosecution of a female cadet going ahead.
A process subsequently found to be proper. There was no presumption of innocence by Labor when they joined in a witch-hunt against former Governor- General Peter Hollingworth. There was no presumption of innocence when allegations were made against ministers in the Howard government over the so-called "children overboard" affair and the wheat board scandal. It is ridiculous to use a principle which applies only in the criminal law to the legitimate discussion of the standards of performance standards of performance of our politicians. The parties and factions have taken a stranglehold on our political life. By doing so they have minimised the role and function of the people - as envisaged in our constitution. The proper answer is for a process to be established to allow the people by petition to recall any or all members of Parliament.
This would have to be done by a vote triggered by a petition supported by an adequate number of electors. The good sense of the Australian people will of course ensure that this is not abused. After all it was the people of the several states who, as the preamble says, “ relying upon the blessings of Almighty God “ agreed to unite in our indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the crown . It's the people's Commonwealth. The people’s country. It doesn't belong to Julia Gillard or the politicians. Give us back our country!