SLAM 31/32 (MA ANG F-15s) UAL956 INTERCEPT (07/31/12)

Aug 01, 2012, 02:40 AM

SLAM 32: "Westfield Tower, SLAM 32, active air alert, scramble. Taxi and take-off, Runway 20. Singles then one to follow."

Westfield Tower: "SLAM 31/32 roger, cleared to the TOI 085 at 232 miles, cleared for take-off, Runway 20, change departure frequencies, left turn 090, climb and maintain niner thousand."

SLAM32: "SLAM 32, nine thousand, 090, cleared for take-off."

Westfield Tower: "31 squawk 7574, 32 squawk 7575."

SLAM 32: "SLAM 32, 7575."

Westfield Tower: "31/32 departure end cable indicate (???)"

SLAM 32: "32 copies, departure end cable."