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Best Health Podcast 4 years running at The Peopleโ€™s Choice Podcast Awards ๐Ÿ†

Mental was created by Bobby Temps to break down mental health stigma and discrimination. Joined by special guests, the podcast is a safe space to hear honest and insightful mental health interviews in the hope listeners will feel more empowered to continue the conversation with others.

Every other Thursday we delve into a factor in mental health and how to better manage it. Youโ€™ll also better understand different conditions from first-hand experience, with inspiring guests and surprising statistics. Start listening from any episode or topic that interests you.

So whether you have experienced mental illness or not, thereโ€™ll be something to relate to in each episode and a reminder that, you are enough!

Mental - The Podcast to Destigmatise Mental Health

Bobby Temps
Mental Health
330 episodes