Demand and Deisre - Best Global Brands 2012 - Heineken ®

Oct 30, 2012, 04:33 PM

Demand and Desire, the podcast from Interbrand’s CEO Jez Frampton returns; with a celebration of the 2012 vintage of Interbrand’s Best Global Brands event, featuring an interview with Alexis Nasard – from one of the brands of the moment (thanks to a certain J. Bond) – Heineken ®.

Chief Commercial Officer Nasard speaks with a refreshingly blunt frankness about the successes at Heineken ® over recent years. It’s about leadership he argues: and one basic idea which then drives and flows through all aspects of the business. Find out what that one simple idea is herein. It’s been difficult to avoid the new Bond movie and to read about the relationship Heineken ® has with it; listen to how Nasard feels the relationship and sponsorship helped the Bond brand every bit as much as his own..

This year the Best Global Brands event was dubbed ‘The Human Issue’, concentrating on the human construct of brand image, choice and interaction – both inside and outside of the organisation. All the details, analytics and interviews with key marketers from all over the world can be found at
Interbrand’s Best Global Brands is a worldwide event, with thousands of guests, and key speakers.

The run-down is based on on three basic factors: 1) the financial performance of the branded product or service; 2) the role the brand plays in influencing consumers; and 3) the strength of the brand in asking a premium price for its products or bringing in earnings for the company.

Brands have a duty to inspire…we are not merely ‘customers’ any longer.

#Skyfall #BGB12