The Joint Pain Relief Codes Scam

Jun 12, 2016, 02:27 AM

How The Joint Pain Relief Codes Work

Jonathan Bender based the codes in this guidebook on treatments that target the iliotibial (IT) tract, which helps stabilize the knees when you stretch or flex them. Aside from the knees, they also strengthen and improve the mobility of your hips, shoulders, ankles, and back.

The Red Tea Detox 

To give you a better idea, here are some of the things you’ll discover in the Joint Pain Relief Codes book:

The one type of sugar that you need to eliminate from your diet in order to prevent or treat joint pain. How to use essential oils to ease joint pain. A 7-Day meal plan, which includes lemon rosemary chicken, salsa, smoothie recipes, and so on. Targeted exercises that will help loosen, restore, and relax your body muscles, which in turn reduce or eliminate pain altogether. A list of foods that you should avoid eating to prevent aggravating joint pain, and a lot more… The Joint Pain Relief Codes package also comes with two bonus reports:

The Red Tea Detox