Normandy Beach

Nov 11, 2011, 03:24 PM

Normandy Beach is written for all those brave men Who gave their all for God and country? These soldiers from the Allied Forces will always Have the respect and admiration from those who came after From their sacrifices came the liberty we now cherish

What bravery I feel from these graves? From the soldiers at rest and so at ease I come today with volumes of raves For all who died and for what they appease

Marching to a cadence with death at the door To a world at war what evil engrained Riding a LCT heading towards shore Wondering why nations go insane

Filled with hatred for their fellow man Stealing our liberties unable to digest Wishing to be home but here, we stand Facing an enemy which caused the threats

Nearing the shore, salt water wets our face We ask dear God forgive our sins Bracing ourselves for it’s time for the chase With bombs exploding, we shake in our skins

The landing ramp opens hitting Normandy Beach Avoiding gunfire, threading water we touch the sand Many have fallen in a deadly screech The waves turns red not yet reached the land

Bombs and bullets rained on us that early morn June 6, 1944 will be a day I will never forget For many young men died on this day of scorn As I stand before you with tearful regrets

I pray for each soul beneath this hallowed ground You were the best of a generation who gave their all Protecting the liberties from reflections profound We shall always remember how you answered the call

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz October 31, 2011