4-Panel 02 - Batman Eternal // Escape from New York // ...

Oct 07, 2016, 11:59 AM

My Common Sense is Tingling

This week we take a time out to discuss Animex Comics at the University of Teesside, and also begin catching up with a variety of newly released comics of all types including Star Wars, Skylanders, Batman Eternal, Superman (Action Comics), Batman (Detective Comics), Escape from New York, and Poetry in Motion: The Illustrated Words of Scroobius Pip.

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#StarWars #Skylanders #BatmanEternal #Superman #ActionComics #DetectiveComics #Batman #EscapeFromNewYork #PoetryInMotion #ScroobiusPip #4Panel #TheGeekShow #Comics #Manga #Reviews #Podcasts #GraphicNovels #Superheroes