Episode #79: Inferno Squad

Episode 79,   Oct 08, 2017, 07:58 PM

Mikey & Ben are back and joined by Evan and Joe from the Jodocast! Together they break down all the latest news, and talk all about Battlefront 2 and Inferno Squad.

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Disney brings back the servers for the original Battlefront 2 and its servers get slammed! Star Wars Forces of Destiny returns and the latest episode shows us the Falcon from Force Awakens Classic Star Wars games are on sale, get them while you can! Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta has begun, and its awesome!! Spotlight Topic this week is Iden Versio and Inferno Squad The guys from Jodocast and Resistance Radio talk about their thoughts on the Inferno Squad novel How do the book relate to the upcoming single player storyline from Battlefront 2 Can you relate to the any of the characters from Inferno Squad? or is the last of empathy for the people of Alderaan to much? If there are any issues downloading this episode from iTunes, please refer to this guide.

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