Keyframe 102 - 2017 (The Bad Side)

Jan 12, 2018, 12:24 AM

2017 is over, and what better way to mark the beginning of a new year in animation than a two-part look back at the previous year.

With that in mind, we decided to do something a little bit therapeutic (for us), and get all of the bad stuff out of the way first - so get ready for the rants and the strange awards we're handing out!

If you've enjoyed this podcast, then please follow us on Twitter @KeyframePodcast or on other social media by searching for The Geek Show. If you want to show your support then head over to Patreon and give whatever you can. Alternatively, we have a shop up and running so head over to The Geek Shop and partake in some of our lovely wares.

Thanks, and until next time, don't watch anything we wouldn't!

#Animation #Anime #Cartoons #KeyFrame #News #Podcasts #Reviews #TheGeekShow #WorstOf2017 #2017 #AnimationAwards