Keyframe 104 - Girls Und Panzer // Devilman Crybaby // ...

Feb 03, 2018, 09:32 PM

Duck-Shaped Speedos for Tanks

Now that we've got the good and bad of 2017 out of the way we have to resume normal service … for a given value of normal that is!

This week we cast our eyes (which are admittedly in various states of working order), over the Winter 2018 season of anime and pick out the things that have caught our attention (i.e. were very shiny).

Our featured anime are Girls Und Panzer: The Real Anzio Battle and Devilman Crybaby.

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Thanks, and until next time, don't watch anything we wouldn't!

#Animation #Anime #Cartoons #KeyFrame #News #Podcasts #Reviews #TheGeekShow #GirlsUndPanzer #TheRealAnzioBattle #AnzioBattle #Devilman #GoNagai #DevilmanCrybaby #VioletEvergarden #Overlord #PopTeamEpic #DagashiKashi #GakuenBabysitters #MsKoizumiLovesRamen #TheJunjiItoCollection #HakumeiAndMikochi #gdMen #DarlingInTheFranXX #APlaceFurtherThanTheUniverse #KillingBites #BasiliskTheOukaNinjaScrolls #RecordOfGrancrestWar #DeathMarchToTheParallelWorldRhapsody #Citrus #Beatless #HakyuuHoushinEngi