Episode 73: From DragCon to Beyoncé and Beyond

May 17, 2018, 12:00 PM

Miss Vanjie…Miss Vanjie…Miss…Vaaanjie. On this episode FavyFav and Babelito recap their amazing weekend at RuPaul’s DragCon and chat about what they have been up to for the past month. From Coachella to DragCon, and from Reno to Bushwig, los chicos de LWL have not stopped and they tell you all about the people they met along the way. Do you want to find out why Favy’s grandma thinks Babelito es un confiansudo and what kind of food Miss Vanjie eats on the road? Entonces paren la oreja! As always, stick around till the end to hear their recommendations and what’s new in the Latinx podcast world. #supportbrownpodcasts #supportlatinxpodcasts #lwlpod