Literary Loitering 94 - Tanned Gingers From Outer Space

Nov 07, 2018, 08:47 PM

Apparently there’s a new way to become a published author - get a job in Trump’s White House and get fired from it.

Our resident cultural anarchists return to offer up a heap of interesting tidings from all sorts of places, beginning with Anthony Scaramucci who lasted in his role of in the White House and has now published a book about it. After a brief interlude to admire a statue of Matilda facing down a cartoonish Donald Trump outside Roald Dahl’s house it’s time to find out why Mr. Darcy is guilty of “negging”.  

In other news, a new study shows which countries are the biggest bookworms, a self-published author goes to jail for killing her husband after she wrote a blog about … killing her husband, Pat Barker says we need more passionate readers, a new font claims to assist memory and more. 

 Welcome to another fun-filled episode of Literary Loitering!

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