Departure Lounge with Harris Sultan

Episode 289,   Mar 19, 2019, 01:42 AM

On Friday March 15, 50 lives were tragically taken and 50 people were injured after an Australian gunman stormed two mosques in Christchurch.  He was arrested and charged of murder in a New Zealand court.

His actions have been globally condemed.

Meanwhile Senator Fraser Anning made several offensive statemnets at a recent Victorian rally, placing the blame of the recent attack on Muslim immigration.  Outrage extended to a 17 years old male who targeted him with an egg to the head.  

Both actions were irresponsible.

One man who opted to use the power of words and people power to address the decisiveness of Senator Annings comments was Harris Sultan.  Along with Kate Admad, they launched a petition.

So far it's recieved 1.3million signatures… and continues to climb.

Harris checked into the Departure Lounge to talk about his motivations and what he hopes the petition will acheive.