Out Now 400: Part 1 – Top Ten of the 2010s

Mar 23, 2020, 08:00 AM

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is delivering an epic top ten. Aaron and Abe are joined by Le Noir Auteur’s Terence Johnson and Awards Circuit’s Mark Johnson to discuss the top ten films of the 2010s. This best of the decade discussion is merely part one of a two-part conversation regarding everyone’s thoughts on the last ten years at the movies, but be prepared to hear all about how the ten films that each podcast participant has chosen made an impact from a variety of cinematic angles, along with all of the usual sorts of fun to expect. So now, if you’ve got an hour or two to kill, enjoy…

#BestOfTheDecade #TopTen #Podcast #Film #Movies #Entertainment #BestOf2010s #Moonlight #TheSocialNetwork #MadMaxFuryRoad #Boyhood #Inception #TheAvengers #ASeparation #2010s #OutNowPodcast #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe